SKATEBOARD STORIES – Episode 27 – Tape # “PEACE” Oct. 1995

Episode 27

See the inside of the Shorty’s warehouse, take a trip to Rick Kosick’s house, and skate some spots near Hermosa Beach…. in 1995!

0:00 – Intro 0:18 – Shorty’s Warehouse on La Patera Ln. Goleta Ca. 7:45 – Trip to Rick Kosick’s/party footage (Dylan Gardner, Tony Tieu, Noe Flores, Rick Kosick, Fleck, George Nagai, Jef Hancock, Billy Bakker) 13:35 – Hotel room antics 14:42 – Beryl Banks (N. Flores, G. Nagai, T. Tieu) 15:33 – Random School (N. Flores, J. Hancock) 17:26 – 7th St. (T. Tieu, G. Nagai) 17:45 – Credits

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