The MTT crew hits their first stop. A ditch hidden in the Los Padres National Forest that’s been skated since the 1970’s. The Funnel. // Mission To Toyland is an independent film produced by HatchMM. Full movie coming to an internet near you soon.

Music by Dayglo Abortions.

Mission to Toyland is the story of 7 friends on a 36 hour skateboard road trip. This is the real deal! No contests, agendas, or rules! Mission to Toyland is what skateboarding is really about. Traveling with your friends in search of whatever you may find. Mission to Toyland is loaded with great skateboarding, secret hidden skate spots, crazy stories, and a huge skateboard party at the Toyland Ranch! Mission to Toyland features the OG and the new. Professionals Mike Santarossa and Tony Tieu. Road-dogs Erik Hatch and George Nagai. OG legends Mike Kresky, Robbie Olhiser and Jonny Miller. And up and coming rippers Mike Abarta and James Rivers. This film is about having as much fun, and getting as much done as you can in a weekend. 7 working class citizens that have loved the mission of skateboarding their whole lives, and will continue to do it until they die. This is the real shit! The corporate side of skateboarding will never be able to bottle this. 100% skateboarding.

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