Colin New4 Videos


Colin New’s part from the UNDERDOG video. Produced by Erik Hatch. Guest Model and T-shirt available in the SHOP. Music by Living Keys Music.


I made this promo to take to the ASR tradeshow. I think 2003. Unfortunately, I didn’t make it to the show. I gave a couple of VHS copies to friends that were going, but I have no idea if they showed it to anyone. As far as I know this has never been seen before. […]

HATCH – Random Mix 1

Sometimes inspiration just hits when I hear a certain song. BUCK BUCK! Featuring; Muska, Carlos Juarez, Colin New , Sammy Baptista, Jesse Silvey, Levi Marvin, Josh Karl , Tony B., Ben Kendall, Dylan Gardner , Brandon Turner, Thor, Peter Smolik, Kyle Liddle, Frankie Hill , Sean Bolis, Steve Olson, Tony Manfre, Aaron Snyder , Tuan […]